Credit Letters Software | Letter Writing Tools

 Credit Letters Software provides our users with letter-writing tools to can get better results. Also, unlike other popular software, it allows you to be CROA compliant and soon TSR compliant. NOTE: Software selecting dispute letters for you automatically COULD create compliance issues also collecting upfront fees. Users can automate their credit business as well as create complex custom-made, original Ready-To-Go Credit Letters." 

This system is also designed for the consultants creating proportional repayment plans for their clients with auto calculations. This is the perfect solution for advanced and startup credit repair companies to automate their online signups and the writing of complex dispute or debt settlement letters. There is a private online client portal to keep your clients abreast of the process.  We are three (3) plus times less expensive than others with similar or fewer features.  SO, WHY PAY MORE? In other words, You can get all of the main automation features of the much more expensive credit software for under $50 per month

One of the most tedious tasks that a compliant conscious credit repair consultant must perform, is automating their process. In addition, entering or creating a custom-made challenge or dispute letters. If you have ready-to-go original dispute letters, you can plug them in, enter your client's information one-time, collect payments, and away you go!! It also gives the user the ability to upload privacy guard, smart credit and IdenityIQ credit reports, enter and track credit scores, send duplicates letters to other CRAs or creditors without typing anything, batch printing and printing envelops, saving the user data input time. In addition, you can automatically fax a generated letter directly from your dashboard to any number e.g. credit bureau, creditor, or other sources. You can also automatically send a letter via first-class or certified mail directly from your dashboard without going to the post office using totally integration with LetterStream. Even if you have a software solution already, it doesn't offer automation for complex letters or correspondences that can be adjusted to all credit consultant’s systems. Other software placeholders consist of basic inserts for letters requiring you to use a word processor for complex letters. Credit Letters Software allows you to throw away the word processor and a more efficient method of generating those unique letters, therefore, it is a powerful addition to current credit repair software users too.

The most successful credit specialists or programs have custom or original complex credit letters, with customized verbiage that produces results. However, there hasn’t been a low-cost solution to assist in automating or speeding up this process. Most ready-to-go solutions, especially in the, requires you to type your or your client's information over and over again and you can't customize them. They also don't remind you when to follow up.  You have this ability within Credit Letters Software to create your own letters.

By using custom field inserts or placeholders as we call them, you can type in client contents and it will appear wherever you want on a letter based on your strategy. Again, similar systems have preconfigured letters that do not provide the flexibility to change the content or store it. 

 Credit is such a personal service. Credit Consultants using custom original letters tailored to their client's issues are the most successful in this business and get the best results. They are real estate agents or financially literate individuals. Some may have an assistant but usually will start out by themselves. However, these consultants desire a low-cost solution to assist in this task.  Current software solutions start at $99 -$249 per month with features that most startups or even successful businesses may never use. Especially in the beginning stage of their business. Credit Letters Software has online electronic auto signup, credit report imports, and total LetterStream integration. In addition, there is an awesome online client portal module. You can get our ProPlan for $47 per month including all of these modules and letters for a robust system.

Based on credit industry data, most credit score consultants are home-based or have added the service to their current business operation. The average home-based credit score improvement startup business will only have about 15-20 active clients in their first 3 months of business. Even those who are part-time only deal with a few customers per month. Why pay an average of $149 to $299 per month for 15-20 clients? Even if you have 100 active clients paying that monthly fee per month can place a dent in your budget.  Credit Letters Software fills the gap in this market offering affordable automation.   

Why not signup today or give us a try. You can cancel at any time.


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