Credit repair software

 Credit repair software is made up of credit trackers, cleaning kits and simulators that can help identify errors on your credit report. Credit repair software can find mistakes on your report or file credit disputes. If you’re considering the do-it-yourself option, keep in mind that there will be a learning curve with understanding how to use some credit repair software. Before you download a program, buy software or hire a service, take a look at what credit repair software is, and how it works.

Credit repair software pulls data from your credit report, provided by Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. It allows you to track activity, catch errors and send dispute letters to credit card companies, mortgage lenders and other creditors. There’s no shortage of e-books, DVDs, credit score trackers and simulators available. To choose the best option for you, consider the seriousness of your situation, goals, timeline and financial means.

Credit score trackers or credit score monitors connect to the three credit bureaus. These trackers oversee your credit reports and detect activity that can lower your credit score. For instance, they might send you a notification of potential delinquent payments, alert you about negative items or message you about credit pulls and even identity theft.


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