What is a Pay-per-delete software?

Credit repair comes with having to deal with a lot of credit issues. As a credit repair specialist, you cannot stop helping your client to resolve one issue or another as well as helping them to improve their credit score. Different things can cause a baf crefit score but it is your job as a credit repair specialist to resolve this issue. Isn't that why you established a credit repair company in the first place? One of the ways that had been found to help resolve credit issues is the invention of the Pay-per-delete software . This software has been a life saver for a lot of creditors who have found themselves in deep credit problems. When you have an unfavourable item on your credit report that has been determined by a credit report company, all that will be done by a Pay-per-delete software company will be to generate and create a dispute letter for this item and then send it to the credit bureau. Now this is when you know if the services of the Pay-per-delete worked...